Omdena Pakistan Chapter: My Striking Journey through Omdena

A Platform to Overcome your AI & ML Lackings

Iqra Anwar
3 min readDec 1, 2021

What is Omdena?

Omdena is a platform for developing innovative, ethical and efficient AI solutions for real-world problems. The value of its collaborative project is that companies have access to up to 4060 AI engineers and data scientists through it. Omdena is the only platform that is serving 100+ countries. It has introduced 65+ chapters all over the world, and 120+ projects have been completed within a very short time. If you think you have the potential to be part of AI projects, then Omdena is the best platform to put your side of effort into demanding projects. The ongoing projects can be found on Omdena’s Official website. You can go on the website and click on “Apply” to be part of your desired project.

How did I come to know about Omdena?

My journey doesn’t have the sparkling twist of “newbie to ML engineer or Data Scientist” but I have seen people moving to another level after being part of Omdena, after attending workshops, after contributing to projects, and after following the suggested practices. As I have always been passionate about writing, I wanted to develop content on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning projects but I have never found a clear roadmap to get started. For understanding Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning I started learning Python Programming and got some of my concepts cleared, but it wasn’t enough to start creating content for technical projects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Therefore proper guidance was still required.

Me as a Writer at Omdena Pakistan Chapter

Fortunately, I found some posts of Omdena on LinkedIn shared by the Lead of the Omdena Pakistan Chapter. After inquiring, I found out the schedule of live discussion sessions of Omdena. I started joining the sessions and workshops, the sessions were very informative, after joining a couple of sessions I got enough knowledge to start writing on AI projects as I already knew the Python programing language and was well aware of using the required IDE with a bit of knowledge of Github.

Omdena Pakistan Chapter

Luckily, I got to know that Omdena Pakistan Chapter is looking for a writer to collaborate with the team and handle the writing part of the work. I applied for it, got a reply, and after an interview, I was selected. In the first team meeting, our Lead Qasim Hassan shared the idea of workshops. As being a writer, I was asked to write an article for the first project which was on “Exploratory Data Analysis”. I enjoyed exploring EDA and I have almost learned it by giving doing mini examples in the article.

However, I have always been nervous about starting writing on AI-related projects but being with the Omdena Pakistan Team and attending Omdena’s official Workshops and sessions motivated me and I published projects not only for Omdena Pakistan Chapter but also shared articles on my own medium account. Continuous learning through Omdena has helped a lot in growing and improving my skills. The sessions Omdena is providing are exceptional, by joining the sessions you would know a lot by hearing the discussion of experienced AI experts.

As it is said, it is always difficult, but once you start it you know that it was the fear in you that was pushing you back from your goals from your destination.

Difficult Before Easy

So always give it a try before quitting, if it’s meant to be your destination you will probably grow in it and if it’s not the right path for you, you will surely get experience that will connect you to your path of destiny.



Iqra Anwar

Data Engineer @ RC! BSCS graduate from BBSUL Karachi, Pakistan. Ex Technical writer at Omdena Pakistan Chapter | I write articles related to Computer Science